Corporate Governance
In order for the company to have a good corporate governance system according to the corporate governance guidelines of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), the relevant principles have been defined as follows;
– Rights of shareholders
– Equitable treatment of shareholders
– Roles of stakeholders
– Disclosure of information and transparency
– Board responsibilities
Business Ethics
The company will ensure that personnel adhere to business ethics as follows:
– Shareholders run business to create maximum satisfaction.
– Customers good service, quality, and promoting relationships based on mutual benefits.
– Business partners comply with trade conditions and are not against the law, along with fairness and transparency.
– Competitors promoting free and fair competition policy.
– Creditors comply with the conditions of the contract and financial obligations.
– Employees promote and develop the ability of employees including fair employment conditions, with a good and safe working environment.
– Government sectors give precedence to strict observance of laws and regulations.
– Community places importance in the environment, safety, and responsibility to the community, as well as supporting community and local activities in which the company operates.