Eastern Energy Plus Company Limited and Affiliates, there is a business philosophy that is business continually growing along with the responsibility towards the surrounding communities as well as society and environment. Company has aimed to create the most satisfaction to all stakeholders because the company has always realized that the success and sustainable growth of the organization inevitably comes from the growth from the operating results including being accepted and gain the trust of the community and society. The company has implemented a management system in accordance with various standards. It has been applied and practiced continuously, including the Quality Management System (ISO 9001: 2015), the Environmental Management System (ISO 14001: 2015), and the Occupational Health and Safety Management System.

The EEP Group realizes the importance of conserving natural resources and preserving environmental quality for people in the present and future society. We are committed to operating a business that is friendly to the environment and the surrounding society that is located together happily. Especially in the local environment in which we operate, we have endeavors to achieve our goals through the Environmental Management System (ISO 14001: 2015).
To show our sincerity that our business makes a great effort not to have a negative impact on the environment. We have been trying to use new technologies to investigate and monitor impacts that may arise from the project such as waste water, dust and odor.
The EEP Group considers that we are part of the community in which we operate. Therefore, we focus on not having a negative impact on the community ecosystem. It shows responsibility for the environment. Including the benefits that we can create for the community.
The EEP Group has realized to elevate the quality of life for everyone involved in the company. We are committed to developing and protecting the well-being of all our people – families, communities and the EEP society. Under the framework of corporate values “SUCCESS Together”
The EEP Group considers people to be the heart of the company. We operate personnel management in accordance with the labor law and local regulations. Our employees work in a safe and happy workplace with equal opportunities for personal development and professional growth.
EEP Group make a priority to improve the quality of life of the people in the communities surrounding the business location. We have regular activities to make relationships with local communities.
EEP Group conducts social activities in various dimensions, such as being a learning center on proper and complete waste management by converting Municipal Solid Waste into electric energy (Waste To Energy), cleaning, dredging public canals. Scholarships for local youths, Collaborating with local communities to clean up public roads. Annual health check-up services for free to the communities around the location, etc.